
The origin of the name “Belikin” dates back to the ancient Maya Classical Period and means “road to the east”. This could also be referring to the eastward expansion of the Mayas toward Belize.

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Belikin Ceramic Tankard with Lid


Belikin Ceramic Stein with stainless steel lid. This 1 Litre beer stein is the official Belikin stoneware stein. The stein is produced by the firm of Rastal, based in Höhr-Grenzhausen, which today still fulfills orders for stoneware and pewter articles in the tradition of the masterly craftsmanship of the “Kannenbäckerland”.

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Belikin Ceramic Stein with stainless steel lid. This 1 Litre beer stein is the official Belikin stoneware stein. The stein is produced by the firm of Rastal, based in Höhr-Grenzhausen, which today still fulfills orders for stoneware and pewter articles in the tradition of the masterly craftsmanship of the “Kannenbäckerland”.

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